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Posters at the Society of Toxicology Virtual Meeting

Written by PhoenixBio Team | 01 March 2021

PhoenixBio is pleased to be participating in the 2021 Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting.

Please visit our exhibition booth #2322 and meet members of the PhoenixBio team who can answer any questions you may have regarding our products and services. Do not miss an opportunity to check out poster #2133 (poster board 126) "Construction of Hepatic Vascular Model and Toxicity Assessment System That Can Predict DILI Compounds" at the "Liver: in vitro" poster session on March 17th, 2021, at 11:15 am - 1:00 pm EDT. Naito Y. from Toppan Printing Co. Ltd. (Japan) will present the development of a hepatic vascular model for the assessment of toxicity and drug induced liver injury (DILI).

The authors constructed a liver-like tissue model consisting of human hepatocytes (PXB-cells®), sinusoidal endothelial cells (SEC), and hepatic stellate cells (LX-2) with the cell-cell adhesion in this model being supported by the addition of collagen and heparin.

The model, with an initial content of close to 65% hepatocytes, was able to maintain albumin secretion for at least 14 days without a significant decrease in secreted levels. The authors confirmed the possibility to predict DILI using ten testing compounds.

Contact us for more details.